Sie haben Fragen? Wir stehen Ihnen gern beratend zur Seite. Startseite / Ansprechpartner Ihre Horn & Görwitz Ansprechpartnerinnen und Ansprechpartner im Überblick Management Maximilian Görwitz Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (030) 34984-0 *protected email* Jochen Seeger Head of Customer IT- Support (030) 34984-127 *protected email* Sascha Kaschade Head of Sales (030) 34984-110 *protected email* Kerstin Borrmann Head of Sales Operations (030) 34984-120 *protected email* Manuela Marx Process Manager (030) 34984-295 *protected email* Lydia Hörster Marketing Manager (030) 34984-130 *protected email* Inken Richter Head of Finance & Accounting (030) 34984-313 *protected email* Christian Schramm Head of Technical Operations and Support (030) 34984- 318 *protected email* Denise Große Human Resources Manager (030) 34984-129 *protected email* Vertrieb Christian Hartmann Head of Document Solutions (030) 34984-131 *protected email* Karsten Schottmann Sales Consultant (030) 34984-391 *protected email* Marco Mutzke Key Account Manager (030) 34984-319 *protected email* Nadine Amend Sales Consultant (030) 34984-124 *protected email* Cindy Waas Sales Consultant (030) 34984-118 *protected email* Ihab Taha Sales Consultant (030) 34984-132 *protected email* Uwe Klawonn Key Account Manager (030) 34984-114 *protected email*